Friday, June 13, 2008

So, it's been a day...

...and Darabont's script still kicks ass. I read it over again to make sure I'm not dreaming.

George Lucas should honestly be tested for mental retardation, and thrown away and locked up in an asylum for rejecting this.

Not only does it immediately come to mind that "hey, this fixes a lot of the problems in Indy IV!" but you start to realize problems from Crystal Skull that you didn't even know where there. For instance, Indy has something to do in the climax in this one. It's a Last Crusade-esque choice where he has to choose if he wants this great power. There are some dumb sequences too, like 4 waterfall drops instead of 3 from Crystal Skull, but a lot of the similar stuff is either explained better or given a purpose. Yes, there are aliens in the end. But it make sense, and the climax is fantastic. It's such a shame that this will have to be one of the greatest movies never made, and nothing more.

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