Wednesday, May 28, 2008

LaTroy Hawkins is worthless

Not a good night for the Yankees last night...any time you blow not one but TWO four-run leads to the Orioles, take the lead again, and then blow it in the 11th, it's an embarassing loss. There's plenty of blame to go around here, from Derek Jeter who had a terrible game in every aspect of baseball, A-Rod who grounded into a big double play, Ian Kennedy, and the maddeningly inconsistent Ross Ohlendorf. But (shocker!) it's LaTroy Hawkins who did the same thing he's done countless times before with Chicago and Minnesota and others: BLOW THE GAME. Brought in to save a 9-8 game in the bottom of the 11th, Hawkins let up the following with one out:
- Melvin Mora single
- Aubrey Huff RBI double, then took 3rd on an ill-advised Jeter throw to the plate
- Intentional walk to Luke Scott
- Intentional walk to Kevin Millar (stupid idea by Girardi)
- With the bases loaded and one out, looking for a double play, HE HANGS THE FIRST PITCH to Alex Cintron who hits it over Bobby Abreu's head in right field for the game winner.

Girardi's thoughts:
"You're playing the percentages," Yankees manager Joe Girardi said. "You're talking about a guy who doesn't play every day. The other guys are everyday players. You're taking a chance that you'll get a ground ball and get a double play."
Percentages? You want percentages???? Cintron is now 5 for 5 lifetime against Hawkins and 7 for 14 this year. Small sample size? Yes...but why risk walking the slow-footed Millar, who pops out frequently, and giving Hawkins no margin for error? (As if he needs any.) Anyway, LaTroy's ERA now sits at a stellar 6.75 through 20 games. What a great signing that was. I don't care what it costs, Hawkins should be designated for assignment in favor of...anyone, really. He's no use to this team and can't pitch in a big spot.

Tonight, Andy Pettitte hopes to avoid a 3-game sweep for the Yanks, with Joba Chamberlain scheduled to throw about 55 pitches in his continuing journey toward being a starter. At least the Yankees are handling something right with their transition of Joba. Expect his first start to come sooner than later with Ian Kennedy now headed to the DL.

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