Thursday, May 29, 2008

Second-Guessing a Move that Worked Out

It's certainly not unusual for us New York sports fans to second-guess every wrong decision one of our teams makes. Second-guessing a right one is certainly different, but that's exactly what I'm about to do, so brace yourselves: I disagree with Joe Girardi for bringing in Mariano Rivera last night. That's right, disagree for bringing in the greatest closer of all-time! And here's why: he should have left in Joba Chamberlain for the following reasons:
a) Joba just finished a dominant 1-2-3 8th with 2 swinging strikeouts.
b) Mo threw 2 innings and 31 pitches the day beforehand.
c, and most importantly) Joba was scheduled to throw 50-55 pitches on his quest to become a starter. They finished the remaining 28 or so in the bullpen, but let's be honest: it's just not the same as an in-game experience! Yes, it was simulated, with Joba taking time in between pitches, the catcher giving the signals, etc, but it's just simply not the same. Joba should have stayed out there for the 9th and then finished up in the bullpen if necessary. Would Girardi have brought in Mo if there wasn't a day off today? My guess is that played a part in the decision. Either way it worked out with a scoreless ninth from Rivera but I disagreed and still disagree with the decision.

Just got back from Blockbuster where I am an official Rewards Zone member. Woo hoo. Anyway, I rented Christopher Nolan's "Memento" and the Christian Bale movie "Rescue Dawn" as I have been wanting to see both very badly for a long time. ...and wow, I just noticed the Nolan/Bale (Batman) connection there. And yes, I considered "I'm Not There" (Heath Ledger)...that would have been such a bizarre coincidence as if it isn't already.

Listening to some Black Sabbath right now...just bought Paranoid the other day. Apparently it's a classic album, but outside of Iron Man, Paranoid, and War Pigs I don't love it. I mean, the album has 8 songs, and with those 3 it doesn't take much more to become a classic, but maybe I just need to listen through a few more times.

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